The Gift Listing Report provides the following information:

  • Transactions received over the selected period (All Transactions, Gifts only or Failed Transactions).
  • Giving history per partner starting from commencement of partnership.
  • Transaction summery per chosen period.

Retrieving the report

Step 1: Log into

Step 2: Click on Menu

Step 3: Click on Staff

Step 4: Click on Gift Listing Report

  • Switch Fund: Click to choose whether you want to view the Salary Fund or the Holding Account Fund.
  • Choose Report: Here you can choose what type of transactions you want to view:
    • Gifts Only: Only see income transactions. (Excludes admin fee and failed transactions)
    • View All Transactions: Includes every transaction that has been processed in that particular funds.
    • Failed Transactions: Only see debit order transaction that did not run successfully.

Salary FundThis is the default fund where partnerships are processed and processed through Payroll.

Holding Account: This is the fund where funds are "held" when you want to split big partnerships over a few months or when you receive a partnership that is much bigger than the pledge amount. To get the transactions posted to your Holding Account reallocated to your Salary Fund, you email before payroll cut-off (20th of each months).

Step 5: Define your search parameters and click Load Report

**Note: The search parameters are defaulted to Gifts only(i.e all partnerships that have run under your name). To view All Transactions ( i.e all successful and failed /reversed transactions), click on Choose Reports and click on what Report you'd like to view. The same can be done for the dates.

Understanding the Gift Listing Report

  • Search Again: This will take you back to the search parameters page.

  • History:  Here you can view and download the partner's giving history in Chart or List view over the chosen period. This only works for debit order pledges and EFT partnerships that have pledges.

  • Summary: Here you can view the number of transactions in the specified date range, Report value and the Current Balance in your salary or holding fund. ** 
    • To view the holding account, you need to click on "Search Again", click "Switch Fund" and select it in your drop-down menu.

  • Download: This downloads the report in .csv format.