The transaction summary report provides you with an overview of the gifts / transaction history in your database. This feature is accessible on both the browser and mobile application. 
  • This report gives you a historical overview of the total transactions
  • Click Report Interval and you will be able to choose to aggregate the transaction on a Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly basis.
  • Under Interval Count you can choose how many periods you would like to report on.
  • For example. If you would like to see the total amount of monthly transaction that have occurred for the past 6 month, select Report Interval and select Month and then select Interval Count and choose 6.
  • Under the More options you can:
    • Tick the “Include negative amounts” if you want the report to include negative transaction in the report summary.
    • Filter the report by a selected Fund
    • Toggle between List and Chart view
  • NOTE: We automatically convert all foreign currency transactions into your base currency. You base currency can be set in your database settings.